Q H 2

Share content at any URL

No accounts, no logging, end-to-end encrypted. Pick a memorable URL (you can choose any path), upload content and share links that expire after a set number of views or hours.

How to Use


Choose URL


Pick any URL path you want - make it memorable or random.

Try This URL

Add Content

Text Snippets
File Attachments
End-to-End Encrypted

Share code, credentials, or files - all end-to-end encrypted.


Set Options

Time-based Expiry
View-based Expiry
Password Protection

Content automatically disappears and access can be restricted with a password.

Use Cases

Secure Credentials

Share sensitive information like passwords or API keys that automatically disappear after being viewed.

Code Snippets

Quick code sharing during pair programming or debugging sessions. Share error logs or config files.

Temporary Files

Share design assets or documents that expire after download. Perfect for sending files without email attachments.

Meeting Notes

Share meeting summaries and action items that clean up automatically after the team has reviewed them.